Can Braces Fix TMJ Disorder?

April 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 5:14 pm
Portrait of smiling woman with braces

If you frequently struggle with issues like jaw pain, difficulty chewing, headaches, and other symptoms of TMJ disorder (TMD), you may be curious about your treatment options. Sadly, many therapies only relieve immediate symptoms rather than address the root cause of TMD. But what about braces? Can they fix TMJ disorder for good? This blog post discusses what you should know about using orthodontia to correct jaw problems.

What Causes TMD?

TMD can have several different causes. In some cases, it occurs due to problems with the way the upper and lower teeth work together. If there is a problem with your occlusion (bite), your muscles may have to work extra hard to bring your teeth together. In turn, that can cause discomfort in the joints that control the lower jaw (the temporomandibular joints, also called the TMJs).

Braces Can Correct Bite Problems

For some patients, braces and other forms of orthodontia can correct the bite problems that cause TMD. Over the course of several months or longer, it is often possible to shift the teeth in a way that allows the upper and lower jaws to work more harmoniously together. In turn, this may relieve muscle tension in the face and reduce stress on the TMJs. In many cases, braces work along with specialized accessories that aim to train the lower jaw to rest in its proper position. As a result, TMD symptoms may be greatly reduced or even disappear altogether.

Of course, there is a significant caveat that you should keep in mind: Not all dental providers have a comprehensive understanding of occlusion. That is why some patients actually experience worse TMD symptoms after orthodontic treatment than they did before. Therefore, it is important that you entrust your care to a qualified practitioner who has experience in both orthodontia and the treatment of TMJ disorder.

Can Braces Fix All Cases of TMD?

Braces are just one possible treatment option for TMD; they are not right for everyone. To find out if they might be able to help you, consult with a qualified dentist. After they evaluate the positioning of your teeth and the mechanics of your bite, they will be able to design a custom plan to help you find long-lasting relief.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Russ Teasdale has been practicing dentistry for more than 40 years. Throughout his accomplished career, he has earned an extensive and intimate knowledge of how the TMJs work. He combines his vast experience with the latest technology to provide truly top-quality care for TMD patients. If you would like to talk to Dr. Teasdale about your options for finding long-term relief, contact Evolution Dental in Portland at 503-974-3829.

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