Popular TMJ Treatments — How Well Do They Work?

July 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 1:31 pm
Woman sitting at her computer, suffering TMJ pain

When you go on the web, you will find several treatments to alleviate TMJ discomfort. Included in these may be heat packs, ice packs, acupuncture, jaw exercises, and massages.

Please note before we go further that these are all TEMPORARY treatments to TEMPORARILY relieve the pain. Because they address only the symptoms and nothing about the cause of the pain, the very best they can do is to make you feel a little better in the short run.

Heat packs work by opening the capillary beds in the muscles, increasing blood flow to the area. Because the primary CAUSE of most TMJ discomfort is in fact the buildup of lactic acid by overworked muscles, this increased blood flow more efficiently carries the acids away, and hence reduces pain. And it IS effective, but only for as long as it takes for the muscles to resume their production of lactic acid, at which time the acid builds up again and the pain returns.

Massage works in a similar way. It essentially relaxes the muscles, and in doing so, reduces their activity. This too increases blood flow, and carries away the lactic acids, and comfort ensues, at least until the muscles begin their functions again.

Ice packs relieve pain by decreasing the transmissions of the pain receptors, and again, can provide relief only for as long as they are on the muscles.

Jaw exercises can increase movements of the jaw and use different muscles to do so. But in fact, most people benefit only mildly from these, and only so long as they are doing the exercises.

Acupuncture as well only interrupts the reflex pattern in the short run and does not correct the causes of grinding or bruxing, which include poor or restricted bites.

Because, of course, jaws close where the greatest number of teeth hit together at the same time, and it is impossible to override this reflex closure. It is very difficult just to “turn off” a reflex by thinking of it, like trying to not blink at a bright flash or headwind. Sure, you can do it for a very short while, but we all live in the long run, and no one can maintain that attention for long.

Selective BOTOX injections can also relax the muscles that close or position your jaw, for up to three months at a time, and we use that frequently to provide relief to our clients. But again, once the dose wears off (in about 90 days), the reflex and the pain return, unless some sort of bite correction is done in that timeframe.

At Evolution, we look to address causes, not symptoms, because our patients all deserve straight talk about their issues. And that is our reason for being, to make life better.

Contact Evolution Dental

Dr. Russ Teasdale of Evolution Dental combines decades of experience with top-notch technology to identify the cause of patients’ TMJ pain and design a personalized treatment plan. Our goal is always to provide long-term relief from jaw discomfort, headaches, and related symptoms. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our Portland office at 503-974-3829.

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