Why Does My Jaw Hurt When I Wake Up?

January 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 5:07 pm
Woman sitting on bed, struggling with jaw pain

Everyone occasionally wakes up with some aches and pains, but if your jaw seems to hurt every single morning, you might have a problem that needs to be addressed by a dentist. What can cause your jaw to hurt when you wake up? What can you do to find relief? This blog post provides some important information.

Reasons for a Sore Jaw in the Morning

Some of the most common reasons for jaw pain in the morning include:

  • Bruxism. Many people grind and clench their teeth while they are asleep. This unconscious habit can place pressure on the teeth and jaw, leading to morning stiffness and pain.
  • TMJ disorder (TMD). Your temporomandibular joints (TMJs) are the joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. When they, or the surrounding structures, are damaged or inflamed, jaw soreness can be the result. Often, bruxism is a major sign of TMD.
  • Untreated oral health problems. Cavities, impacted wisdom teeth, and other oral health issues can cause intermittent pain. You might be more likely to notice the discomfort in the morning.
  • Other reasons for a sore jaw. An improper sleeping position, sinus inflammation, and even some serious diseases (such as cancer) may be related to jaw pain.

How to Find Relief

If you believe your morning jaw pain is related to bruxism or TMD, schedule an appointment with a qualified dentist. Remember, TMD can be a complex problem, and not all dentists are equally qualified to treat it. You may find the best results when you visit a practitioner who has extensively studied orofacial anatomy, including the TMJs.

Every patient is unique, so treatment can vary from case to case. You might even need a combination of different therapies in order to experience maximum results. For example, some patients benefit from therapeutic BOTOX injections along with specialized orthodontic treatment. You may also be able to find temporary relief by using at-home remedies, like massage and heat/cold therapy. After a thorough evaluation, your dentist will be able to recommend your next steps.

Jaw pain is an annoying problem — you should not have to live with it! With the assistance of a qualified professional, you may soon be on the path to long-lasting relief.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Russel Teasdale has decades of experience in dentistry. He currently focuses his practice exclusively on issues related to orofacial anatomy, such as TMD, sleep disordered breathing, therapeutic BOTOX, and non-extraction orthodontics. He always aims to address the root causes of his patients’ problems, rather than simply coming up with a way to address surface symptoms. If you have been struggling with jaw pain, Dr. Teasdale and our team would be pleased to consult with you. Contact Evolution Dental at 503-974-3829.

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