When You Breathe Through Your Nose, the Saying Goes

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Evolutiondent @ 10:24 pm
Healthy woman breathing through her nose

When you Breathe through your nose, the saying goes, 

Everything’s better, from your head to your toes.

And air that’s warmed, and filtered and churned

Is better for tonsils, and lungs, we have learned.

But when you breathe through your mouth, things can quickly go south,

The throat gets inflamed, or infected, or both.

And you just want to curse, because everything’s worse,

And we do mean EVERYTHING, Chapter and Verse.

Your head postures forward, and tilts to one side,

One eye is squinting, the other is wide, 

Your nostrils are unequal, in overall sizes,

Though neither are likely to win any prizes.

Your shoulders can slope, and so can your hips, 

Your mouth becomes dry, and chapped on the lips.

You may disturb others, with obnoxious snoring

Your nightguard tends to end up on the covers or flooring

You grind and clench, and brux through the night

Your head and neck muscles are painful and tight.

Your sleep is sporatic, you may have enuresis 

(If you have it, we don’t need to tell you what this is).

It’s a word to the Wise, I need not say it again, 

But “Everything’s better, with enough Oxygen”.  

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